Source code for pytube.captions

import math
import os
import time
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
from html import unescape
from typing import Dict, Optional

from pytube import request
from pytube.helpers import safe_filename, target_directory

[docs]class Caption: """Container for caption tracks.""" def __init__(self, caption_track: Dict): """Construct a :class:`Caption <Caption>`. :param dict caption_track: Caption track data extracted from ``watch_html``. """ self.url = caption_track.get("baseUrl") # Certain videos have runs instead of simpleText # this handles that edge case name_dict = caption_track['name'] if 'simpleText' in name_dict: = name_dict['simpleText'] else: for el in name_dict['runs']: if 'text' in el: = el['text'] # Use "vssId" instead of "languageCode", fix issue #779 self.code = caption_track["vssId"] # Remove preceding '.' for backwards compatibility, e.g.: # English -> vssId: .en, languageCode: en # English (auto-generated) -> vssId: a.en, languageCode: en self.code = self.code.strip('.') @property def xml_captions(self) -> str: """Download the xml caption tracks.""" return request.get(self.url) @property def json_captions(self) -> dict: """Download and parse the json caption tracks.""" json_captions_url = self.url.replace('fmt=srv3','fmt=json3') text = request.get(json_captions_url) parsed = json.loads(text) assert parsed['wireMagic'] == 'pb3', 'Unexpected captions format' return parsed
[docs] def generate_srt_captions(self) -> str: """Generate "SubRip Subtitle" captions. Takes the xml captions from :meth:`~pytube.Caption.xml_captions` and recompiles them into the "SubRip Subtitle" format. """ return self.xml_caption_to_srt(self.xml_captions)
[docs] @staticmethod def float_to_srt_time_format(d: float) -> str: """Convert decimal durations into proper srt format. :rtype: str :returns: SubRip Subtitle (str) formatted time duration. float_to_srt_time_format(3.89) -> '00:00:03,890' """ fraction, whole = math.modf(d) time_fmt = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S,", time.gmtime(whole)) ms = f"{fraction:.3f}".replace("0.", "") return time_fmt + ms
[docs] def xml_caption_to_srt(self, xml_captions: str) -> str: """Convert xml caption tracks to "SubRip Subtitle (srt)". :param str xml_captions: XML formatted caption tracks. """ segments = [] root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_captions) for i, child in enumerate(list(root)): text = child.text or "" caption = unescape(text.replace("\n", " ").replace(" ", " "),) try: duration = float(child.attrib["dur"]) except KeyError: duration = 0.0 start = float(child.attrib["start"]) end = start + duration sequence_number = i + 1 # convert from 0-indexed to 1. line = "{seq}\n{start} --> {end}\n{text}\n".format( seq=sequence_number, start=self.float_to_srt_time_format(start), end=self.float_to_srt_time_format(end), text=caption, ) segments.append(line) return "\n".join(segments).strip()
[docs] def download( self, title: str, srt: bool = True, output_path: Optional[str] = None, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Write the media stream to disk. :param title: Output filename (stem only) for writing media file. If one is not specified, the default filename is used. :type title: str :param srt: Set to True to download srt, false to download xml. Defaults to True. :type srt bool :param output_path: (optional) Output path for writing media file. If one is not specified, defaults to the current working directory. :type output_path: str or None :param filename_prefix: (optional) A string that will be prepended to the filename. For example a number in a playlist or the name of a series. If one is not specified, nothing will be prepended This is separate from filename so you can use the default filename but still add a prefix. :type filename_prefix: str or None :rtype: str """ if title.endswith(".srt") or title.endswith(".xml"): filename = ".".join(title.split(".")[:-1]) else: filename = title if filename_prefix: filename = f"{safe_filename(filename_prefix)}{filename}" filename = safe_filename(filename) filename += f" ({self.code})" if srt: filename += ".srt" else: filename += ".xml" file_path = os.path.join(target_directory(output_path), filename) with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handle: if srt: file_handle.write(self.generate_srt_captions()) else: file_handle.write(self.xml_captions) return file_path
def __repr__(self): """Printable object representation.""" return '<Caption lang="{}" code="{s.code}">'.format(s=self)